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Dear Eliza,
Orana Inc just recently rebranded its new Op Shop at 303 Flaxmill Rd, Christie Downs.
We would love to be in your article as well :)
Any chances of contributing?
Please find more info about this at:
Thanks very much,
Kind regards,
by xruiz (score: 0|9) 2686 days ago
by xruiz (score: 0), 2680 days ago
Thanks Eliza,
That would be great.

Orana creates opportunities for people with disability to live and work within their local community, fulfill their dreams and become valued and productive community members.

We currently provide employment, housing, respite and life skills support to over 650 South Australians living with disability.

So then, all money raised at our op shops goes to support the life of people living with disabilities.

We would love to be on your article with our Christi Downs Orana Op Shop.

Will see you soon, kind regards,
by The wanderer (score: 2), 2681 days ago
Thanks Xiomara! I will certainly visit the store and write an article on it:) I will see you in the next couple of weeks.