One Step Beyond - American Museum of Natural History
Parties DJed by some of the coolest bands around? No, it's not at a hip underground club, but the American Museum of Natural History.
By day, the Museum's Rose Center for Earth and Space is a theater devoted to educational shows about space; by night, it's one of the best dance parties this side of the Milky Way.
At the Museum's monthly One Step Beyond party, you can dance under the stars with help from live bands and DJs, and get transported thanks to colorful, dynamic visuals from VJs that are out of this world (the cocktails don't hurt, either).
It's only natural to have some of the music scene's biggest stars get the party started beneath them. Kid Koala and Animal Collective are some of the bands that have recently stepped behind the turntables. For the museum's next party on May 15, Passion Pit will have a turn, with a set also from Activaire DJs.
It's probably one of the few times you'll care about being seen at a museum.
120639 - 2023-06-12 22:27:39