One Last Deal (Tuntematon mestari), a Finnish movie directed by Oscar nominee Klaus Härö, opens with bidding at an estate auction. Standing on the side of the action is Helsinki art connoisseur Olavi Launio (Heikki Nousiainen). Olivi is an old man approaching retirement age after a lifetime given to his love of art and his gallery. It is a love that comes before all else in his life including his family, who it appears he has had little to do with.
One last deal
However, in an interesting turn of events, Olivi gets a final chance to fix his broken life and reconnect with his estranged daughter and grandson. At an art auction, he stumbles across a painting which he believes to have been created by a major painter. With just a theory to go on, Olivi begins to research this mysterious painting, and along the way, he begrudgingly accepts the help of his technological savvy grandson Otto.
One Last Deal is a bittersweet and moving drama, which centres around the search for the meaning of life, late in life. It is a film which will leave you pondering the same questions long after the credits have began to roll!
One Last Deal is now showing as part of the 2019 Volo Scanadivian Film Festival!