North Melbourne MS 24 Hour Mega Swim
Sat 13 Feb 2016 - Sun 14 Feb 2016
The will be held on On February 13 and 14, 2016. This 24 Hour Mega Swim is a fun relay event for teams of up to 15 people who raise money based on the laps completed.
Each team will have a swimmer in the water over the entire 24 hours. Each team creating a swimming roster to suit the ability of the individual swimmers, with every participant will decide when they would like to swim and for how long. Some swim for 10 minutes, others swim for four hours - every second adds up!
There is no set formula, people of all ages and abilities can take part, and, best of all, the funds raised will go towards the MS' Go for Gold Scholarship program and services that directly assist those living with multiple sclerosis while the search for a cure continues.
The cost for adults is $40 and for children it's just $30! Register now for this challenging and helpful event
here .
#family -attractions
#swimming -pools
!date 13/02/2016 -- 14/02/2016
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