Nordik Hair and Beauty

Nordik Hair and Beauty


Posted 2015-02-05 by Katherine Evafollow

I'll admit it. I'm intimidated by high-end fancy hair salons. Pushy stylists talking about balyage make me nervous. That's why I recently headed to Nordik, a quiet salon tucked away in North Rose Bay. I'd visited there once before and never forgot the experience. The owner Karin (a blonde Swedish bombshell herself), made me feel comfortable and did a good job. She listened to what I wanted, and didn't try to talk me into anything. Plus I loved the simple turquoise décor. It felt cheerful, fresh and well, Nordic.

I headed back to Nordik the other day because my poor hair was in need of a routine touch-up and trim. Karin wasn't on that day but she left me in the hands of one of her other two stylists, Michelle. We agreed to do some foils and trim off two inches before having a treatment and blowdry. Meanwhile, I enjoyed some magazine time and a cappuccino. In a turquoise mug of course.

While sipping on my coffee, Michelle gave advice about my hair but she wasn't pushy. Step by step she advised on what product she was using, such as the Atomic Bomb Thickening Spray which recently won a beauty award. She also treated my hair with the Organic Mineral Power Based Mask to strengthen sun bleached ends. When I asked if I needed to buy leave-in conditioner for my frazzled tresses Michelle said no, cause it could make my hair "crispy". Hmm she was speaking my language.

By the end I'd learned from Michelle that it's a small and close-knit team at Nordik, and they've been together for many years. She likes working there so much that she commutes over an hour each way. It reinforced my belief that happy and chilled staff seem to do a better job.

Indeed Michelle seemed pretty relaxed as she fixed my hair up in velcro rollers after the blowdry (with a cool aqua coloured hairdryer!). At the end my hair was full of body, and it soon "relaxed" to a level that was just right. Several friends commented that evening and said I looked really fresh. A few days later, my hair's still feeling great and I love the highlights.

Speaking of highlights, spending a lot of time in the sun lately had not only lightened my hair, but had given me a pretty good tan. If I wasn't so brown I might have booked in for a spray tan service at Nordik, their other area of specialty. But for now my refreshed hair was enough, and I'll be heading back when another trim beckons.

In terms of prices, at the time I went there was a good deal on offer: half a head of foils, cut and blowdry for $135. Or a regrowth tint, cut and blowdry for $99. Check their website for specials.

206604 - 2023-06-16 05:51:40


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