Noosa Biosphere Festival 2012
Sun 16 Sep 2012
From crêpes, to dingoes, to basket weaving and even a Zumba extravaganza the Noosa Biosphere festival of 2012 attracted a respectable crowd. Predictably the majority of the crowd by the early afternoon were languishing under the marquees watching a rather impressive Zumba demonstration. The music was good and the crowd joined in making it a thoroughly entertaining display of dance related fitness.
By the time the afternoon rolled around, most of the live acts had finished and the Zumba party was the only live entertainment on at that time. The crêpe stall was doing a roaring trade and their wares looked delicious.
The gaps between the slightly disorganised tents were not packed, but definitely busy as people wandered through the stalls, taking in weaving and basket making and face painting. There was a special little treat for anyone that managed to push through the small corridor of space between a row of popular tents with two live dingoes stealing most of the crowds attention.
While festivals that encourage participation, and actively try to promote the kids enjoyment are not that common in Noosaville, this is definitely a good one to take the young ones along to. Everywhere you looked there were children weaving baskets or dancing to the music, and, of course lining up patiently, or not, in the face painting tent.
For the older ones however, there wasn't much to pique their interest. Quite a few of the stalls were information stalls for living green, and various community groups in and around the Noosa area and while they were interesting, and informative for trying to reduce the ecological footprint of your house, the small number of teenagers didn't seem to be that interested.
Despite this, a festival that promotes a better way of living within the earth's means is definitely a festival to attend and on such a glorious day down by the Noosa River, it's a safe and relatively well organised event to take the kids. Look out for it next year from around the beginning of September at
Noosa Biosphere Ltd.
#family -attractions
!date 16/09/2012 -- 16/09/2012
139005 - 2023-06-13 15:07:44