No Pants Tram Ride Adelaide

No Pants Tram Ride Adelaide


Posted 2016-12-08 by Dave Walshfollow

Sun 07 Jan 2018

I am constantly agog at how many readers and subscribers I have acquired in Adelaide, so here is something to whittle down the numbers to a more respectable level and frighten off the wowsers, believers, and those who haven't changed their underwear for days.

The irrepressible bunch of leftists, students, discredited Liberals and unemployed judges called the Adelaide Flash Mob are holding their favourite annual event - the No Pants Tram Ride, a chance to drop your pants in public. In the case of judges, dropping their robes will suffice.

Fortunately the No Pants Tram Ride in Adelaide is held in summer, so men need not worry about embarrassing size comparisons, however be aware though it may be "no pants" you are supposed to be wearing underwear. There are plenty of better ways to get naked in public .

There are detailed instructions on the Adelaide Flash Mob website, no journey planners are required. I believe they even suggest what clothing to wear to complement your hairy/shaved/lithe legs. I am a little surprised they haven't banned owners of Coles underwear from taking part, or recommended which high end Calvin Klein boxers will best display your package.

Perhaps that will happen next year, as I did notice the Facebook ad is sponsored. Sponsored by whom, one may well ask. Bonds? Transport Adelaide? The Crossdressers' Association of Rostrevor and Payneham? The Adelaide South Society?

I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to answer that, as I simply do not know!

By now I'm sure you're all madly Googling to find evidence of earlier Adelaide Flash Mob events in Adelaide, which you can find here . I believe that also involved taking a tram south of Adelaide to Glenelg.

When you take part in the No Pants Tram Ride, I expect you *all* to upload your no pants photos here as evidence of your participation.

For more information, go to the Adelaide Flash Mob web page here , or sign up for the event on Facebook . You'll find details of the date and time for this daring ride, and where to meet your madcap mates.

Please do remember to bring or buy a ticket for the tram, as accommodation in the Remand Centre is rather tight at the moment. Being racked, packed and stacked is even worse than being at that prominent Hindley Street nightclub after midnight. Unless of course you're looking to meet some very close and intimate friends .

For the dirty old (wo)men among my readers, I include the gratuitously prurient video from the 2008 No Pants Tram Ride in Adelaide below. Bon voyage!

!date 07/01/2018 -- 07/01/2018
149061 - 2023-06-14 02:31:21


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