Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival
Sat 07 May 2016 - Sat 14 May 2016
Back for another year is the fabulous and famous
. Held along 2 kilometres of the fabulous
Nightcliff foreshore , this is a premier way to commence the amazing
Darwin dry season . The event will run over 8 days however the festival commences with the Big Day on Saturday 7 May 2016 from 2 pm to late. Festival Week brings to Nightcliff more than 1000 performers and 100 performances and is truly the one stop shop for local arts, music and culture.
This event has come to Darwin for more than 10 years, with up to 15,000 people visiting a whole range of entertainment to delight throughout the week.
Just prior to the official commencement of the festival on Saturday 7 May 2016 from 11 am to 2 pm will see the Sand Sculpture Competition give the opportunity for you to enjoy yourself barefoot on the beach creating monsters and mermaids. Registration is from 11 am with judging at 2 pm.
Then from 2 pm until late there is Fiesta on the Foreshore. This is free family fun across multiple stages including the Spoken Word Area which will provide an exciting array of local poets, spoken word artists and story tellers; Indie Seabreeze Stage will allow you to just sit back and enjoy the entertainment or maybe get up and jam; City of Darwin Community Village will provide an array of community stalls, performers and opportunities to join circus workshops, arts and craft activities; Dance Stage brings a line up of local dance performances including
Tracks , Prue Gymnastics, Darwin School of Ballet and Keltikka Irish Dancers and the Urban Art Installation where you can make your mark sharing your thoughts, plans and ideas on the Public Art Wall.
Corrugated Iron Youth Arts[/LINK] will be there with a come and try circus and final performances of two home grown children's shows. There will be face painting along with something for everyone to celebrate the coming of the fabulous dry season.
Then when the lights go down, the Seabreeze After Party will see you blown away by The Cyclones at the
Nightcliff Sports Club from 10 pm. Cost for this event is $10.
Sunday 8 May 2016 delights with Bernie Bremond performing at the
Nightcliff Markets or why not join in the African Dance Workshop at DCA, 16 Malak Crescent, Malak at 7 pm on Monday 9 May 2016.
For the kiddies there is Songs for Children with Instruments at 10 am on Tuesday 10 May 2016 at the Nightcliff Library, the African Concert for Kids at 10 am on Wednesday 11 May 2016 in the Corrugated Iron Youth Arts Space or again at the Nightcliff Library, Seaside Story Time at 10 am on Thursday 12 May 2016.
Friday 13 May 2016 brings the Beachfront Wrap Party at the Beachfront Hotel where Sietta Sound System presents Freaky Friday the 13th @ The Beachfront from 9 pm til late. Cost is $10 at the door.
The has something for everyone regardless of age or interest. For further information and the full program, please visit the
website .
#family -attractions
!date 07/05/2016 -- 14/05/2016
95634 - 2023-06-12 02:09:52