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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Night Noodle Markets 2014 - Review
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went there on Wed night, loved the atmosphere! Prices were mainly highly inflated for what you get which was a bummer. Some dishes were authentic tasting but others, I presume, suffered in taste and quality from mass production. Overall, a great experience
by sharo (score: 0|4) 3120 days ago
by Jen (score: 3), 3120 days ago
Hi Sharo, yes, atmosphere was definitely lovely. As a vegetarian I had Over Dosa and nothing had changed with them for me. Same price same dosa as always, and I had the black/red rice and pomegranate from Hammer and Tongs and I thought their serving was really generous as it was a massive amount. Sorry your choices didn't translate to a good experience for u; but sounds like u still had a gr8 time :) Take care.