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Hi Sue, are you able to give me an update on how the treatment of your dog's AD is going. I've got a ridgeback with the same problem and am thinking of giving the spirulina a go. just wondering how you found it long term...did it work at all? much appreciated.
by johnl (score: 0|4) 3437 days ago
by Sue Stevenson (score: 2), 3433 days ago
Hey John,

Unfortunately, my dear old doggy was put to sleep a few months ago (a brain tumour, the vet suspected, along with being generally old) so I can't help you there. I sure do miss him though!

Good luck in your quest. The licking and discomfort is distressing, not to mention being a major pain in the bum. I definitely think the spirulina was helpful in my dog's case, but you'll almost definitely need to remove the wandering jew so your dog doesn't keep coming in contact with it.