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Virtual National Walk for Mental Health 2021

Home > Adelaide > Community Events | Family | Fun Things To Do | Fundraisers | Walks
by Jen (subscribe)
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Help raise awareness for an important cause
virtual mnational walk for mental health, community event, fun things to do, mental health foundation australia, community event, fun things to do, mental health awareness, physical walk events, walk virtually, national mental health month 2021, post pandemic recovery challenges and resilience
Images - Mental Health Foundation Australia

Let's face it, in the current climate, mental health is at the forefront of what's happening on the ground. October being the National Mental Health Month, Mental Health Foundation Australia are hosting a Virtual National Walk on Sunday 17 October 2021 from 10.30am to 12.30pm to raise awareness. As we navigate our lives through the pandemic, the health and safety of yourself and your families remains their number one priority.

This year's campaign provides everyone all over the country the opportunity to Walk for Mental Health in unity. This includes physical walk events where possible, following all government safety measures, but also the opportunity to stay safe and walk virtually. Join in virtually, anywhere and everywhere and register to donate or fundraise. Find full details on the website for the State you're in and where events are held; if not virtual, in your state.

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Why? National Walk for Mental Health
When: 17 Oct 2021 from 10.30am to 12.30pm in all states
Where: Online and In Real Life
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