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Home > Sydney > Comments > Diamond Python - Narrabeen Lagoon Walking Trail
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This is Narrabeen LAKE - not Lagoon. Two very different areas. The new walk follows the Lake.
by maxal (score: 0|8) 2987 days ago
by cyber (score: 0), 1559 days ago
I thought they were the same thing but that Narrabeen lagoon was unofficially "renamed" lake by real estate agents to make it sound more attractive.
by Seafarrwide (score: 3), 2987 days ago
I've lived in the area for 30 years, I walk there nearly daily. The old trail went around the lagoon and LAKE almost in a complete circuit. But the new trail completed in february this year starting at Middle Creek or South Creek covers the lagoon end making the trail complete. I took the photo myself just after the beginning of the new Narrabeen LAGOON trail from the James Wheeler Place entry point. If you still think I am wrong then take it up with Warringah Council as they must have made a very expensive mistake naming it Narrabeen Lagoon Trail then.
by Seafarrwide (score: 3), 2987 days ago