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How does my elderly father handle it. He visits from the country twice a year, stops with me in Yarrambat and catches the bus at my front door then a train to get to the city (and return) once each visit. Can he get direct on the bus from rural Yarrambat withourt me first having to drive him somewhere to purchase a myki ? Does he have to 'stock' it with credit, if yes, how doe he do this considering he has neither a computer or a credit card? How does he get a refund for unused credit after each visit? I also go to the city by the same means twice a year and currently simply get on the bus at the front door and purchase a daily return ticket from the bus driver, I gather now that I will have to have a myki card with prepaid balance for my two trips on 'public' transport per year. What a most unfriendly system for casual users. Good luck to this stupid myki system trying to get us casual users to maintain our patronage. The transport system is supposed to be a 'public' transport system, ie , not just designed for the regular city commuter. Car for me from now on.
by dcb (score: 0|4) 4026 days ago