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im with sara catching public transport is a rare occurance, what happens at 10pm when a necessity occurs that i have to catch it and am located nowhere near a shop selling them? a ridiculous system for someone who just wants to jump on a tram! they should of spent the money investing in jobs and conductors! Victoria going backwards with automation and no service!
by kitt- (score: 0|4) 4031 days ago
by newintstudents (score: 2), 3732 days ago
just fare evade
by Joy (score: 3), 4030 days ago
Hi Sara, you just need to buy the myki card from either the myki machine at your train station or from the counter at the train station. Once purchased, you only need to top up the card with either myki money or myki pass. This can be done online or via the myki machine. You may soon be able to top up your myki card from 7 Eleven. Hope this helps!