My Happy Marriage - Film Review

My Happy Marriage - Film Review


Posted 2024-07-04 by Mindo Koerberfollow
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Adapted from the light novel series Watashi no Shiawasena Kekkon by Akumi Agitogi, My Happy Marriage is a movie that was released in 2023 and directed by Ayuko Tsukahara.

My Happy Marriage revolves around Miyo Saimori’s (played by Mio Imada) life. When she was 2 years old, her mother passed away and her dad got married again with his former lover. Miyo’s parent marriage was not based on love but because of political reasons. So when Miyo’s mum passed away, her dad very quickly got married again to the woman that he loved.

Miyo’s childhood was miserable as she was treated badly by her stepmother, not only because she is not her blood but also because Miyo doesn't have a “gift”. Most of the prominent families will have a gift. Saimiri Family have a gift to control the wind. Other families have other gifts, such as to control metal. Things get worse when Kaya, Miyo’s step-sister is born with an amazing gift.

Miyo’s dad decides to get Miyo married to Lord Kudou Kiyoka (played by Ren Meguro), a 27-year-old military captain that rumoured to be a ruthless man. He had been engaged to many girls from prominent families, but no one could stand by his side for more than 3 days. Miyo’s dad believes even though Miyo doesn't have a gift, she still can give birth to a child with a gift if her husband has powerful gift. Miyo’s family doesn't care if Miyo will be safe or happy when she gets married. All they care about is a gifted heir from Miyo to continue their family bloodline.

Miyo has to go on foot to Lord Kudou Kiyoka’s house, even though it’s quite far away. She only brings a few of her belongings and wears her tattered kimono. All her dowries from Lord Kudou Kiyoka were kept by her stepmum for herself.

When Miyo first meets Kudou at his house, he doesn't even bother to look at Miyo who kneels and bows to him. He just kept busy reading his book leaving Miyo to bow to him for a long time. She could do this since she’s getting used to being treated like that in her own family house by her step-mum and step-sister. After a while, Kudou lets Miyo go to her room.

Every night Miyo has a dream about her mum. She couldn’t sleep on the first night at Kudou’s house. She woke up early the next morning and met Yurie. A maid who has been with Kudou’s family since he was very young. Miyo was helping Yurie prepare breakfast that morning, but Kudou refused to eat Miyo’s cooking because he thought Miyo would poison him. Miyo was very sad.

Kudou went to work without having breakfast that day. When he arrived at work, he found out that someone had broken the seal at the Burial Ground and let the insects that lived in there out. This is a very dangerous situation as people that get bitten by these insects could die.

The next morning, Miyo made breakfast for Kudou again. This time Kudou was willing to try it. He even praised Miyo as the food was delicious. Miyo cried because it was the first time someone praised her cooking. After that, Kudou seems more interested to know about Miyo. He investigates Miyo’s family and finds out that they mistreated Miyo because she doesn’t have any gift. He also found out that Miyo’s mother is Usuba Sumi. Usuba family have a gift which can interfere with people’s minds. Because this gift is very dangerous, all of Usuba's family go into hiding and never been found again.

After finding the dark truth of Miyo’s childhood, Kudou went to Miyo’s family house and asked them to apologise to Miyo. But of course, they denied everything. Angry at being treated like that by Kudou, Miyo’s stepmother kidnaps her and tries to kill her. Kudou finds out that Miyo has been kidnapped, he goes to Miyo’s house and burns everything and saves Miyo. The next day, Kudou finds out that the insects have infiltrated to city including his office. Everyone is in danger.

Aired in Japan in March 2023, this film was a box office hit after only 3 days at the cinema. The film had its North American premiere at the Toronto Japanese Film Festival on June 10, 2023, under the English title As Long as We Both Shall Live. It was also screened at the Fantasia International Film Festival on August 8 of the same year.My Happy Marriage can be watched on online streaming platforms.

289697 - 2024-07-04 06:02:20


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