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Hi Lorraine, I wish I had read your article a few months ago when we wanted to go for a hike/ run up to the top. We tried the trail above where the spring is but that turned out to be disused and impenetrable. We just ended up hiking up the road. Our fault for not doing research before hand.
Do you organise hikes & runs or know of others who do? You seem to know your way around...would be good to tag along with you otherwise.
Cheers, Manen
by manen (score: 1|20) 2170 days ago
by Lorraine A (score: 3), 2169 days ago
I should look into more shouldn't I. It would be fun 😊
by manen (score: 1), 2169 days ago
Thanks for the info Lorraine, will check it out.
Yes, definitely a good idea to consider organising runs & hikes since you're passionate about it :)
by Lorraine A (score: 3), 2170 days ago
Hi Manen, that's a shame! It's such a beautiful trail, but it's a good excuse to go back :)
I just love getting outdoors, exploring different areas and sharing it in the hope that others will enjoy it as much as I do.

I don't organise runs or hikes but it's a great idea!

I have seen FB posts of Kate Southall offering guided hikes around the Dandenong Ranges /Yarra Valley region. I think it's about $20- $50 (depending on half day/full day hikes) but you can check out her or call her on 0476 823 754