Mr Snot Bottom's Horrible Terrible Really Really Bad Bad Show
Sat 02 Mar 2019 - Sun 17 Mar 2019
Mr Snot Bottom is not having a good day. Everything seems to be going wrong in his preparations for his new show. Children who come to see this act are invited to take an inside look at the life of a performer in this new very funny kids show at the Adelaide Fringe. First of all, you have to get up out of bed on time. It is all hammed up for the kids, and they love it. There are themes here that adults would probably only understand such as the reference to Shakespeare and everything being 'pure and beautiful'.
Mr Snot Bottom is full of all the rude things like toilet humour that boys especially, never seem to grow out off. I sometimes wonder why it is that performers think crass and excrement is so funny to children. The actor moves continually in the show filling up and owning the stage space with his body movements and antics. He works hard for his money, I give him that. But kids seem to love him. I think he would appeal to boys, as boys find poo and fart jokes hilarious for many years. Our 11 year old girl is perhaps growing out of that stage. The show is aimed at the 5-12 year age group.
For parents, the title says it all, but we are not going for an adult night out here. If we are choosing a show for our kids, then Mr Snot Bottom will make them laugh and they will relate to being allowed the pleasure of being immersed in rudeness for an hour. And they are allowed to yell out in true pantomime style. Kids do love an opportunity to yell at someone now and again. The audience participation is well considered.
So take the kiddos along, but tell them the rude fart jokes stay in the tent when you leave, if you please. And one more tip, don't sit in the front row at kids shows. But then again, if you want the kids to be in the thick of it all do sit in the front row. By the way, no real excrement is used in the production, but there is real slime and that is always fun.
And as you stroll around the Garden afterwards, ask them did they get the true message of the show. Some post-theatre discussion is always beneficial I think. There is a moral there, so remember to seek it out.
!date 02/03/2019 -- 17/03/2019
126411 - 2023-06-13 03:16:40