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Home > Sydney > Comments > Thredbo to Kosciuszko Summit Walk
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I have done the Kosciuszko walk, commencing at Charlottes Pass, resting at Seaman's Hut then up to the top and down to Thredbo. in February 2005.

Best views to the Victorian southern alps.

Take snacks, water and a warm jacket as the weather can change ( even in Summer).
by Gloria (score: 2|555) 417 days ago
by Gloria (score: 2), 416 days ago
I didn't take the Blue Lake trail.
The Summit walk, past Ramshead Range to Eagles Nest , down to Thredbo
by Postcards from Shayne (score: 2), 417 days ago
Thanks for your comments Gloria. I really wanted to see Blue Lake but didn't realise it was on the Charlotte Pass trail. Will have to go back and do this one another time.