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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Mornington Winter Jazz Festival 2015
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Hi Lorraine, is the market Sunday the 7th or Monday the 8th of June? Just don't want to miss it so thought Id check :) Thank you. Jen
by Jen (score: 3|3574) 2940 days ago
by Jen (score: 3), 2938 days ago
No worries Lorraine, as you can see someone already beat you to the punch and saw this thread and left the message about no market already. I only queried as I was going and the dates didn't match up. Meant to be :) Thanks again and have a great weekend :)
by Lorraine A (score: 3), 2938 days ago
Hi Jen, sorry there is no market :( I'm not sure why but I only got the first of these messages and not the follow ups.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I will ask V to remove market groves so no one else is disappointed :)
by Jen (score: 3), 2939 days ago
Thank you :( aww no market.
by info (score: 0), 2939 days ago
Hi Ladies, The Market won't be running this year at the festival. Instead traders will be joining in the street celebrations along with a pop up kids zone program that include face painting, balloon artist, magician, cupcake decorating, art and craft and animal farm - kids activities are held 10-2 Saturday and Sunday
by Jen (score: 3), 2940 days ago
Thanks Lorraine, as I mentioned, I'm going and didn't want to miss the market. I just couldn't work out whether the day or the date wrong i.e. the market is on Sunday and it's just the date that's wrong or the date is right but the day is wrong. Sorry to trouble you :(
by Lorraine A (score: 3), 2940 days ago
Hi Jen, I've just left a message with the market organisers as I can't seem to find it advertised now? I will get back to you shortly:)