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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Morning Masterworks by Queensland Symphony Orchestra
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I am so glad that we have at last a wonderful review about the QSO. All the concerts are at the highest of international standards. We need professional commentary and reviews. However, I strongly disagree with the writer's comments about the soloists. The soprano was exquisite in my opinion and so was the tenor. The bass was weak and the low sounds were completely lost. As I never trust completly my emotional state, while listening to such magnificent compositions, for the next few days I listened to many performances on YouTube and my own CD. They all confirmed my opinion that the bass was the weakest link in that performance.
On another topic re Mozart's Requiem - I was very disappointed for not being able to find the name of the Brisbane Chamber Choir's Conductor in the program. The only saving grace was that he appeared on stage at the end of the performance. Thank you, Graeme Morton for beautifully preparing your choir and for their inspirational singing!
by bmwis (score: 1|31) 400 days ago