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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Morialta Conservation Park - 100 Years Old
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Hello Steve.So many Adelaidians have not visited this outstanding park/hiking area.As a frequent visitor in the 1950's,I well remember the attractive large circular tea rooms(and the tram),where you could get so many nice things to eat and drink.I believe that the tearooms,were severely damaged after a heavy rains flooded the area and for some reason(;possibly money),it was decided to never rebuild them.What a pity!It would be wonderful if a replica could be built,as it would add so much character to this main entry point to the first fall and well patronized I feel.I am surprised that our historians have not pushed hard for this to happen(or perhaps they have and I am not aware of it).Noel.
by noelp (score: 3|1201) 2986 days ago