Moline Rockhole

Moline Rockhole


Posted 2016-12-14 by Mindo Koerberfollow
is another hidden gem we just found recently, and I am pleased to share it with all of you. If you like serene places, where you can find yourself again, this is a must visit place. Hidden not far from Kakadu Nature Park, not many people know about this place.

If you turn to Kakadu Highway from Stuart Highway, it takes 46 minutes to reach this rockhole. Located 3 minutes drive from Kakadu Nature Park Reserve entrance, this beautiful rockhole will amaze you with its glass-clear water.

We stopped by Mary River Roadhouse to make sure where this swimming paradise was actually located. The nice people at Mary River Road House pointed us to turn left into the dirt road, a 3 minutes drive from the Kakadu National Park entrance or 5 minutes drive from Mary River Roadhouse.

You will need high car or 4WD type of car to tackle the dirt road leading to . Stones as big as your head might slow your vehicle down.

There is small camping area with campfires and 2 picnic tables around. There is no toilet nearby. To reach this rockhole, you need to walk down a walk path. For some part, the walking track was a bit slippery with loose stones. Be careful and always wear proper footwear. There is no disable access. This place is still raw and leaves you with a natural feeling.

Lots of butterflies greeted us as we walked down to the rockhole. Our almost 2-year-old daughter was fascinated with the beautiful flying things.

The rockhole itself is not very big. Once we had a swim, a group of 20 plus tourists arrived. We chose to retreat as there was no place for our 2 little daughters to play in the water anymore. But if you are lucky and you get this rockhole to yourself, it is heaven.

We assume the source of water for this rockhole is natural spring at the top of the little waterfall near the rockhole. Only during the wet seasons, the water will be more and the bridge that people use to cross to the plunge pool will disappear under the flowing water. According to locals, this rockhole is safe from crocodiles and can be visited all year around. But always beware and take action to make sure you are safe while swimming in the rockhole.

Its clear water makes it easy to see all the little fish swimming in the water. Almost all parts of the rockhole are shaded with big trees around. Because of that, the water is a bit chilly to swim around dry season. But if you are quite adventurous, then go ahead. Take a plunge and enjoy the freshness of this place.

95615 - 2023-06-12 02:09:17


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