Mini Mariners @ Australian Maritime Museum
Looking for fun activities for kids under 5 years, then head over to Maritime Museum. The museum have a popular program called 'Mini Mariners' where kids under 5 years and their carers go on a special guided tour.
You'll need to book online for a specific session time and it costs $8.50 per child with the first adult costing $3.50 and additional adults being $7 which includes museum entry.
The tour is guided by a special character and in our case it was pirates. The instructions on the booking are to arrive 15 minutes before your booked session. Waiting in the foyer, the chest of gold and skeletons kept the kids amused whilst our pirates guides Captain P and First Mate complete with cutlasses and red stripes led us out into the unknown.
Parking our prams outside, we walked into the darkness and onto a pirate ship. The kids had a turn on the steering wheel, peering through the spy glass, walking the plank and finding treasure - piles of pirate coins in hidden corners along the tour. Then it's onwards to a dedicated kid's space where the kids can make their pirate bandanas tracing designs using crayons and their own cardboard pirate hat.
With lots of toys available, the kids will be happy and engaged with all the activities on offer. There was storytelling, a song and dance to participate in and after an hour of fun, you are able to peruse the museum at your leisure.
There's a great café called Yots Café and kiosk for a bite to eat. A kids' menu is also on offer that do a great fish and chips. The museum is a great with ramps for easy access for prams and baby change facilities.
The current exhibition is Wonderful Whales where kids can be introduced to the amazing ocean mammals. An eye opening experience to be enjoyed with the whole family.
143791 - 2023-06-13 20:32:17