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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Midsumma Festival 2019
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Sounds interesting, however it is vague. Looked up the Collins St website, but unfortunately doesn’t mentioned this event. It’s quite a long street, so it would be good to pinpoint which area to go.
by avimond (score: 1|11) 1653 days ago
by Jen (score: 3), 1653 days ago
Hi again Avimond. I just heard back from the organisers as follows. Attachment is self explanatory. Apologies on their behalf. Jen
by Jen (score: 3), 1653 days ago
Hi Avimond, thank you for your feedback and I completely agree with you, but that's all that was available and given. I have contacted them on all levels to no avail eg. message on FB, message on website 'contact us', phone call to co-ordinator on number given on site etc.I would suggest you do the same, contact the site itself as it is their event, and hopefully you'll get a better response.