Midland Ghost Tours
Fri 25 Jul 2014 - Fri 12 Dec 2014
Do something different, fun and thrilling - take one of the fantastic
. The run at the old Midland Town Hall and will take place every second Friday Night, from Friday 25th July, 2014 until Friday 12th December, 2014. They promise to provide a truly unforgettable experience.
The are a lot of fun, very informative and pretty scary - definitely not for the faint-hearted. A lot of paranormal activity has been registered in this building, and it is said that there are at least five ghosts haunting the old Midland Town Hall, - maybe you will be lucky enough to see one.
Hosted by
Shanks Pony Tours , these spooky ghost tours are run in two sessions. An early tour starting at 8pm and a late tour starting at 10.30pm. Tours run for approximately two hours. Guests must arrive ten minutes before the tour starts, because the doors are securely locked once the tour begins.
The Ghost tours are set up to find out more about ghosts and are a great night out for believers, sceptics or those who are just curious. Guests can watch the Ghost Hunting Equipment in use and hear all the fascinating tales about the ghosts that inhabit the building.
The Midland Town Hall is a beautiful heritage listed building, built in 1907, on the ruin site of an old school. It is considered to be one of the five most haunted buildings in Western Australia and there are lots of scary stories around, dating back a hundred years. The building regularly attracts clairvoyants, mediums and people interested in paranormal activity from all over the world.
Tickets for the will cost $40.00 per person and can be booked on-line through
Trybooking . Bookings are essential as places fill up quickly, so book early to avoid disappointment.
The are not recommended for children under the age of sixteen years of age.
For further information about the , visit the
Shanks Pony Tours website, or contact Patty Williams on 0428 882 778.
!date 25/07/2014 -- 12/12/2014
175748 - 2023-06-15 15:54:03