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Melting Moments Biscuit Recipe

Home > Sydney > Recipes
by Debbie Lustig (subscribe)
My work has been published in The Age, The Herald-Sun, The Australian, The Big Issue, Australian Birdlife, The Bark (USA), Eureka Street, Overland and The Australian Jewish News.
Published February 2nd 2012
Melting Moments or Yo Yo's are sold in pretty much every Melbourne cafe. But often they're dry, stale and not worth eating. Good Melting Moments are crumbly, buttery and sandwiched with a soft icing of citrus or passionfruit. They're old-fashioned, quick, and a home-made classic.

Everyone loves Melting Moments!


250g butter, softened
3/4 cup icing sugar, sifted
1 1/2 cups plain flour
1/3 cup cornflour


Heat oven to 170C degrees.
Beat butter and sugar.
Sift in flours and mix to a soft dough.
Place small balls onto lined baking trays and flatten slightly.
Bake 15 minutes or until golden.
Cool five minutes then transfer to wire rack.


60g butter, softened
1 cup icing sugar, sifted
Pulp of one passionfruit (strained if desired) or
juice of one lemon

Beat together until light. Spread 1 tablespoon on a biscuit then sandwich with another, twisting slightly.

Makes 30.
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Why? Because life's too short to eat biscuits that aren't delicious
When: Any time
Where: Your home kitchen
Cost: About $3.50 per batch
Your Comment
Debbie, I am making these for my gorgeous 97 year old Nana for mothers day .. thank you for reigniting my old passion for biscuit making xx fi
by fiona (score: 0|2) 4055 days ago
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