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Home > Brisbane > Comments > Mary Poppins The Broadway Musical - Review
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Was the baddie' an addition to the musical, because there aren't really any true baddies in Mary Poppins. The picture reminds me of the old homeless crone that grabbed the children while they were running away from the bank, but she was only in it for a moment.
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4|12643) 2247 days ago
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4), 2247 days ago
Oh really? I've read the book as well; I must have just forgotten since it has been a while. That or it was one of the books I haven't read, as she did quite a few.
by bubbl (score: 0), 2247 days ago
Actually, Miss Andrews was present in the original novel by Travers.
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4), 2247 days ago
Ah, interesting. The name sounds inspired by Wicked.
by Kitty Goodall (score: 2), 2247 days ago
Thanks for asking :) It was George Banks' childhood nanny, Miss Euphemia Andrew. In this production she was a nasty character feared by all except Mary.