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Great article. I entrained to Mt Gambier decades ago and enjoyed it. If the railways are still being used, difficult to do much.. but a lot of these rural tracks have good margins of rail reserves and access/maintenance roads adjacent. I'd like to see co-located bike or dual-use (or multi-use - got a horse anyone) paths, ideally good enough to attract cyclists away from the highways, and the stations maintained for their use as hostels/yha whatever. Vic has the Mountains to Murray network which uses old stations and disused tracks, but some Vic and Syd riders campaign for railreserves to be used for cyclists - ideal in lots of ways, low gradients, minimal road crossings - they just need to extend the idea a bit. Great photos.
by diane (score: 1|97) 3143 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3143 days ago
Thanks Diane, I think we will see more of these cycleways as train services shrink around the state.