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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Lockton Farm Gourmet Sausages
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Yumm! My favourite is without a doubt is the chicken with pine nuts. Love it's taste with the texture of the pine nut. These aren't fatty and taste brilliant. Eat one and bet you'll want to eat more. I have tried a few more of their fare and liked them too but my favorite is the chicken and pine nuts.
I've seen people lined up to buy their fare. To me that's a good recommendation.
by summer (score: 2|473) 3262 days ago
by summer (score: 2), 3261 days ago
Your welcome Jen.
I must brave Saturdays cold and rain and go and buy some Chicken and Pinenut Sausages. Im getting all worked up and want to eat some Now! Yummmm
The Caulfield Farmer's Market is on this Saturday - 2nd Saturday of the Month. :D I might see you there!
by Jen (score: 3), 3261 days ago
Thanks so much for your lovely input. No better advertisement than word of mouth and personal recommendations.