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Bacon and cheese scones sound nice and I like the look of those muffins. They should have called it the 'Rise' bakery.
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4|12643) 3543 days ago
by Rene (score: 0), 3540 days ago
In response to the previous comment, "Lift" does mean "raise" [to a higher position or level] anyway, and it can be used as a verb or a noun. Yes. I am a word nerd. The name "Lift is good because quality coffee gives you a "lift", the owner's smiling face gives you a "lift", the delicious and beautifully presented bakery food gives you a "lift", yeast dough "lifts" as it rises, the decor gives you a "lift". The whole experience gives you a "Lift".

Looks wonderful.