58 of Life's Very Simple Pleasures

58 of Life's Very Simple Pleasures


Posted 2013-03-03 by Rania Hfollow
"]Coincidently, whilst watching an old episode of Oprah on Youtube, I found out that she is exhilarated when it comes to sleeping on freshly clean, crisp bed sheets, and that she regularly replaces her sheets every two days, just to experience this simple yet satisfying pleasure of life. I love stretching on a crisp, clean bed sheet too, and I thought I was a neat freak, but it turns out that we're all satisfied by the same little things in life, no matter what country, culture, occupation, color, style or personality we have. Just a simple thing in our everyday life can put a smile on our face and eventually make our day.%%

So I made a quick survey, with people all around the world (well not all around, but almost half the world) and they all seem to have the same ecstatic feeling with these simple pleasures of life.

1- The smell of freshly cut grass; says Doaa Samy, very creative writer, ex-HSBC trainer and a nature lover.
2- Stepping into an air-conditioned room after a cruel summer walk, says Amalia Dessouki, a loveable teacher, a happy mommy and an optimist.
3- Waking up on a weekend with a surprise day trip or an unplanned outing.
4- The warm feeling of the sun rays on your face pervading your glass window when it's cold outside, says Sama Mounib, Front desk at The Sanderson Hotel London and an out-of-the box living person.
5- Walking barefoot on the beach. Aside from the fact that the beach sand is a natural feet exfoliator, it also gives a good zesty feeling inside.
6- When plans you didn't want to attend get cancelled.
7- Trying a new shampoo; you just love the new smell and the idea of you being the next Denise Richards.
8- Discovering a top you've forgotten all about at the back of your wardrobe that's suddenly on trend again.
9- Catching your favorite song on the radio right as it starts. Or listening to the right song at the right time, says Nilly Al Ghannam, Freelance writer.
10- Eating Nutella from those small plasticy jars.
11- Going to the till at the stores and realizing your item has been marked down. This happens to me all the time and I love this feeling.
12- A good night sleep after a very hard day; says Sama Mostafa.
13- The first sip of morning coffee; well my brain bulbs are turned on and I can function again, says Amalia Dessouki
14- A fresh breeze passing by when it's very warm outside, says Sama Mounib.
15- Finding a small piece of chocolate left in your bag when you thought you ate it all, says Noran Bosseli, Product Manager at L'Oreal.
16- Reaching for your phone to call someone and as you dial the number, you find out he's calling you.
17- The smell of rain, says Maissoun Khaled Talaat.
18- Milestone steps with your baby; like potty training, watching your kid brush his teeth for the first time or saying your name for the first time or giving you kiss on the cheek, says Lobna Khairy, Freelance writer, Author, Relationship Advisor and a diva.
19- Having the exact change to pay for something; it's like BINGO!
20- Meeting an old friend by coincidence, says Sama Mostafa
21- Removing all the shell off of a boiled egg in one try. It's as if I pulled the magic table cloth thing but this time on an egg.
22- Finding money in your pocket that you never knew you had, says Esraa Hegazy, creative writer, ex-managing editor, and a hard working teacher.
23- Pull through parking spots. Actually gals love it more than guys.
24- Making babies and little kids laugh, says Dinah Ezz, Freelance writer and blogger.
25- The eagerness and puff before a big holiday or trip.
26- The additional French fries at the very bottom of the bag.
27- Unexpected compliments from unexpected people, says Noran Bosseli.
28- Forgetting your cell phone at home or getting occupied with something for hours and finding a lot of missed calls and messages.
29- Pay day and who won't feel happy about that says Dinah Ezz.
30- Making some witty comment that makes everybody laugh.
31- The smell and sound of the sea. It's so calming and mystic in a way, says Sama Mounib.
32- Waking up and looking at the clock and finding that you have more time to sleep or it's a weekend, Noran Bosseli.
33- Unwrapping gifts. They say curiosity killed the cat and tearing that wrap off feels good.
34- Giving your month' notice in a job you hate. Tell me about it.
35- The smell of old books, says Dinah Ezz.
36- Correctly stepping into a fast moving queue in a grocery store or taking a fast moving road lane, says Nilly Al Ghannam.
37- Completing a form or an application on the internet without missing a required field.
38- Sticking out one leg from underneath the blanket and feeling just right.
39- Cooking for the ones you love, you feel full just seeing them eat.
40- Laughing so hard that tears comes out of your eyes, or the silent laugh that makes your tummy hurt, says Mariam Sherif Mourad, Doctor at the National Heart Institute and a passionate Freelance writer.
41- Laughing with friends, says Esraa Hegazy.
42- Hearing someone confidently singing the very wrong lyrics of a certain song, says Zeina Hagrass, Trade Marketing Supervisor at Henkel, Talented writer and ambitious to the core.
43- Family Gathering, says Rania Shaker and Lobna Khairy
44- Working in a career you love and succeeding in it, says Monica Hanna and Lobna Khairy.
45- Snuggled in a warm fleece blanket when it's freezing cold, says Sama Mounib.
46- Long warm bubble bath, Says Sandy Alfonse.
47- Watching sunrise/sunset.
48- Breathing the fresh air of an early morning, as if you are the first one to take it into your lungs while everyone else is asleep, says Doaa Samy.
49- The first sip of water or drink when you're extremely thirsty.
50- Shopping with a 70% discount, says Lobna Khairy.
51- Finding an old letter/gift/picture, says Sama Mostafa.
52- When you're able to solve your best friends dilemma.
53- Pepsi refills, says yours truly, Rania Hussein.
54- Butterflies, says Mariam Sherif Mourad.
55- Fresh clean crunchy bed sheets.
56- Waking up to the soft sounds of birds outside your window, the sun shining and the dancing trees.
57- Writing something on Google and seeing it finish your words, it means that there are other people thinking the same thing.
58- The rising numbers of readers on my WEN page and of course the positive comments I get from readers and editors.

I guess one of those are bound to make you happy, if not I am more than happy to hear your own simple pleasures of life - just post your comment.

And a big thanks to all my great friends that helped me through this article.

90206 - 2023-06-11 08:18:24


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