Lifeline Southside Book Fair
Fri 07 Jul 2017 - Sun 09 Jul 2017
The Lifeline Southside Bookfair will be held on Friday 7th July (9am - 6pm), Saturday 8th July (9am - 5pm) and Sunday 9th July (10am - 4pm) at the Tuggeranong Southern Cross Stadium. Entry is gold coin donation and then spend your day browsing fiction and non-fiction books, children's books, textbooks, foreign language books, magazines, sheet music, comics, maps, atlases, talking books, records, CDs, DVDs, games and jigsaws.
You can pay for your purchases with cash, cheque, credit card (Mastercard or Visa) or EFTPOS.
Saturday is Family Day with fun activities for the kids!
ALSO AT THE BOOKFAIR - Lifeline is partnering with Communities@Work to help support people experiencing hardship in our community. At each Bookfair, they will be running a food drive and are customers are asked to please bring along some non-perishable food to donate. Donation bins will be at the entrance to the Bookfair. If everyone brings at least one item, we can make a huge difference!
!date 07/07/2017 -- 09/07/2017
208398 - 2023-06-16 06:10:32