Libraries ACT Reading Challenge 2019
Tue 01 Jan 2019 - Tue 31 Dec 2019
Have you ever read a book that made you laugh? What about a book set in Africa? Or a book that featured time travel? Or a book that has a one-word title? Or what about a book that you want to read again and again and again?
If you haven't read some or any of these books yet, then this year is your chance to do so with the !
The is an in house reading challenge for everybody. It's not a competition-there are no prizes-but it's the perfect way to kickstart your discovery of new books.
Many of us tend to read the same kinds of books, the same kinds of stories, in the same genres, written by the same kinds of authors, and covering very similar topics and interests and time periods and cultures. There was a time when all I was interested in reading was Jane Austen. Then there was that other time when all I wanted to read was fantasy or anything that was Tolkien and had Dwarves and Elves in it. And then I had a young adult fiction phase and a Harry Potter phase. We all like to read what interests us otherwise we wouldn't be reading in the first place.
But reading the same kinds of books can also stop us from discovering and learning about other human experiences, genres, topics, histories, time periods, societies and cultures. This is why the encourages us to try books we've never tried before.
The challenges you to read the following books:
A genre you've never read before
Something that makes you laugh
Has a one-word title
Features time travel or slime slip
Written under a pseudonym
That celebrates diversity
Set in an imaginary or alternate world
Crime fiction
Features food
Something you can read in a day
Has a green cover
An eBook or eAudiobook
Set in Africa
A gothic story
Something you want to re-read
Something you regret not having read yet
Recommended by family or friend
From/about antiquity (before Middle Ages)
Epistolary (letter or diary format)
Recommended by library staff
Visit your local library or bookstore to find the books that will challenge you this year. For more information on the , go
Happy reading, Canberra!
%%"I was born with a reading list I will never finish"
Maud Casey, author%%
!date 01/01/2019 -- 31/12/2019
176765 - 2023-06-15 17:31:43