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Angela told me that the Laksa in Laksa King is very nice so we drove all the way from Clayton to Flemington to try. Service was horrible, after sitting us down we were told that we have to order now as kitchen is closing in 5min. They should have told us when we walk in they are closed. I was really let down and disappointed with our Combination Laksa. Small portion, not spicy, no coconut milk in it all though it look milky and our Nasi Lemak was really not nice. Achar was not sour at all, the rice and beef rendang was nice but not spicy. Isnt it suppose to be spicy. I was appalled at the rate they try to chase us out. As we finished one bowl of food, waiter came to remove our bowl and plonked the bill on our table. What poor manners... My friend Angela doesnt complain much abt food commented that the food is horrible and wont come back. On the way home I have to do 2 toilet stops to purge. What a horrible experience at Laksa King!!!!!!!!
by Siewj (score: 0|4) 3768 days ago