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Arrived on a Saturday morning to find the walk is only open on Wednesdays and Sundays.
by Margaret Adamson (score: 0|6) 1253 days ago
by Margaret Adamson (score: 0), 1252 days ago
Hi Neil, thanks for clarifying that for me. I shall try again next week and pay more attention to the correct name this time!
Cheers, Margaret
by Neil Follett (score: 3), 1252 days ago
Greetings Margaret. The Knoxfield Lake is accessed from Lakewood Drive, not Lake View Drive. The five entrances are shown on Melways map 73. C.2. Its an easy mistake with similar sounding names. Neil.
by Margaret Adamson (score: 0), 1253 days ago
Thanks Neil, I was following the Google route to Lakeview Drive and couldn’t find an opening anywhere , so called at a sports outlet on LD which was open and they told me the walk was only open 2 days. Certainly didn’t see 5 entrances, so would be grateful if you could tell me where they are.
by Neil Follett (score: 3), 1253 days ago
Very strange. My walk was on a Saturday morning and I observed over 30 people enjoying the walk. Melways map shows five entrances to the park from side streets. Neil.