Kids on Target at Sydney Olympic Park Archery Centre
If you want to try something new with kids in the the tricky 10 - 15 age bracket, head out to the Archery Centre at Sydney Olympic Park.
Archery is a fun sport for all ages (seven and above), made more popular now given the Hobbit is back on our screens featuring Legolas, who's weapon of choice is the bow and arrow.
The Archery Centre offers two kids programs - Little Archers for the 7 - 10 age group, and Kids on Target for the older kids. They run side by side so you can have a child in each and easily watch the fun of both groups.
The sessions run for an hour, and it's easy for kids to improve quite quickly over this time frame - so it's a great sport for building confidence, and encouraging focus.
For $16 a head, parking is included and all equipment and training is provided. So is supervision for safety, though adults are to remain on site (or join in!). I was very impressed at how vigilant the staff were when it came to safety. Even before the session had begun, they were monitoring kids, asking them not to touch the bows and arrows that were set up and waiting.
The session opens with safety instruction, then how to use the bow and arrows. The children are tested and then the fun begins. There are left handed bows too, for those that favour that hand.
The kids fire at the targets and then collect all the arrows together. It was nice to see children cheering each other on, and congratulating each other on good shots, even though they'd never met before. As the arrows are placed close together, and a number of children shoot at the same target, it didn't take long for them to start chatting with each other in between shots.
As everyone's skills improved, the target became a little more competitive. Balloons were placed on the bullseye, with prizes for those that managed to burst them. This caused a lot of excitement and enthusiasm in the group, and when the session was over there was much exuberant chatter as the kids told their parents of near misses or how they hit a bullseye.
For spectators, there are plenty of shady benches to watch the action, and plenty of room to capture the action on the camera. For the organised, there are picnic tables and barbeque facilities next to the centre, so you can make a day of it.
Kids on Target runs Monday to Friday in School Holidays and the session times are: 11am, 1pm or 2.30 pm. Participants must wear enclosed shoes, and it may be wise to bring a hat, for there is some walking in the sun while picking up the arrows.
There is something very appealing about the thunking sound of the arrows hitting the target - The group falls silent in concentration, so with the birds in the background, there is a zen peacefulness, until the arrows are spent and the laughter and chatter begins again.
Sydney Olympic Park Archery Centre also caters for adults, so a visit here could easily lead to a new family sport. For us, Kids on Target really hits the target!
205561 - 2023-06-16 05:42:27