Kids Birthday Parties at the Pottery Playroom
Hosting a kid's birthday party can be pretty stressful. First of all you have to come up with a theme, then prepare the food, then those nightmarish goodie bags. Oh, and did I mention the mess?
Imagine if you didn't have to worry about any of that?
The Pottery Playroom in Joondalup offers a kids party package which starts from only $20 per child for the littlies (5 years and under) and from $26 per child for the older kids (minimum 8). Included in the price is a range of pottery for each child to paint, all the paints and equipment, party invitations, and food.
I took my three year old to the Pottery Playroom because she is unfathomably keen on painting at the moment. I chose this one because it also has an indoor play area, complete with slide, ball pit, nets and plenty of cushioned things to climb around. Three years old aren't known for their attention span, so it was convenient for her to do a bit of painting, then go for a play, then come back for more painting.
She loved it and it would be easy to imagine that in the heat of summer, the air conditioned studio would be a great alternative to a party in the park.
A host is provided for each party, so if your natural talents don't lie in the artistic realm, then you don't need to panic. The separate party room can be decorated for the party and food includes sandwiches, fairy bread, fruit, crisps, lollies and drinks.
At the end of the party the finished creations are left behind to be glazed and fired. This is a double edged sword: the children make their own masterpieces which they can keep forever (and don't tend to cause as many tummy aches and trips to the dentist as a bag of sweets) but the kids can't take them home on the day.
It can take up to a week for the pieces to be fired, meaning you will need to make a second trip to collect everything, and then hand them out to your party guests.
The wonderful thing about painting pottery is that you don't really know what it is going to look like until it has been glazed and fired. The paint colours look dull and opaque initially, but when the piece is glazed they come alive and look magnificent.
It's worth the wait.
Still, if you don't think your party guests can wait a week, the Playroom also offer a 'paint and take' party, which uses acrylic paints and kids can take home their creations immediately.
Parties last about 90 minutes and aprons are provided. Also, don't forget your socks for the play area.
210527 - 2023-06-16 06:28:49