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Home > Sunshine Coast > Comments > Fig Tree Walk and Little Yabba Creek Park
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Looks like a good walk, May! I didn't know about the 'stinging tree' - I wonder how prolific they are on the Sunshine Coast ...
by Elaine (score: 3|9404) 1660 days ago
by May Mafinda (score: 1), 1657 days ago
I know! I took my mum and she was paranoid! She never wants to go back there ha!
by Elaine (score: 3), 1659 days ago
I've done the Booloumba Falls Walk in Conondale National Park, but must say I was unaware of them. Perhaps, ignorance is bliss ... otherwise I would have been a bit neurotic
by May Mafinda (score: 1), 1659 days ago
Hi Elaine! It's a simple walk. Yes I wonder, I've heard they're growing at the nearby Conondale National Park too.