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Natasha this sounds like my kind of fun. Are you a member at all the food clubs you mentioned? What age group are the people you find who goes to these things?
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3|1596) 3894 days ago
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3), 3893 days ago
Ok thanks. Think I should fit right in :)
by Natasha Stewart (score: 4), 3894 days ago
I go along regularly to Good Food Society, Adelaide Magazine Reader Dinners, and the Yelp Dessert Club.

I haven't been to a Pizza Club yet, but I'm hoping to get along to the next one on Nov. 11 (I think I may have won tickets, fingers crossed).

Age group is anything from people my age (early 20s) to people in their 60s & 70s. The Adelaide Mag Reader Dinners seem to draw the biggest mix bag, most others are generally people mid 20s to late 30s, but they definitely draw people outside this age bracket too.

I'd definitely recommend coming along to one, some, or all of them.