James McLean: Big Enough and Ugly Enough - Fringe World 2016
Wed 10 Feb 2016 - Sat 20 Feb 2016
Fringe World Perth is host to the WA premiere of James McLean's show, an endearing cabaret with a bit of everything.
James builds instant rapport with the audience, taking them for the ride as he leaves the family home in pursuit of becoming a 'competent independent adult'.
There are many twists and turns in this tale, nicely anchored around that 'box of crap' left behind for him by his grandmother when she passed away.
This box is about the only prop in this show, which makes it so appealing. In this stripped back approach, James' talent shines as he tells stories, sings, and even throws in some physical comedy. His effortless portrayal of multiple characters is a highlight. The addition of voice overs and well-crafted lighting is simple yet highly effective.
It has catchy jingles that you won't be able to shake; James' take on 'hospitality' is downright funny yet cuts to the truth about life as a young arts graduate. Big Enough and Ugly Enough has stories we can all relate to and (thankfully) some we can't. Importantly, it's a reminder to look for the comedy in those days, or weeks, that just go so ridiculously wrong.
Big Enough and Ugly Enough is showing at the intimate Pho Barn at the Noodle Palace until the 13th February 2016, then showing at the Square Room Midlandia 18th-20th February 2016.
!date 10/02/2016 -- 20/02/2016
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