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Home > Everywhere > Comments > Jaboticaba - Brazilian Grape Tree
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Hi There
We have been gifted a tree which we have kept
In a pot. It has never produced any fruit but looks quite healthy. Would anyone be able to offer any advice on how best to plant it? We would love to get fruit. We live in Sydney NSW
by maria (score: 0|3) 2026 days ago
by Farouk (score: 1), 2025 days ago
When it was in flower.
by Farouk (score: 1), 2025 days ago
Hello Jabuticaba is very easy to grow in ground here in NSW, just keep it watered daily if you can in the summer months, it doesn't need anything speicific other than plenty of water. You can plant it in a mix of compost / organic matter with maybe some slow release osmocote. But really doesn't need much at all just get it in a well draining spot & well watered it will grow & fruit very well in ground my seedling did in around 5 years, full sun in ground, here is a pic of my advanced seedling from this season.