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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Is Your Local Target Store Closing?
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90% if not all of Targets items are made or come from China. Their range has always been crap, cheap plastic crap that doesn't last, clothing has changed since the 90s, quality just isn't there anymore. They keep jacking up prices of every day items yet the quality isn't there!! Australia! Time to wake up! Buy and support locals, support and help Australian farmers, producers and quality! Time to stop importing crap at 50% mark up - time to make and build our own stuff locally and help your country before sending our beautiful wool and minerals overseas for cheap, not only to get it made with terrible quality but at a mark up for us - why??? - Our local farmers have the best wool and materials! Why send it to sweat shops for others to make when we can make it here, with our own resources and help create jobs here - not over there! Wouldn't you love to buy 100% Aussie Made things? Help Australia by staying true blue and actually give a shit. Target copied kmart, cheap and nasty.. let's make way for Australian made and created businesses! We need change to happen before its too late.
by SilvaDasher (score: 2|105) 1115 days ago
by nelso (score: 0), 1113 days ago
totally agree, time to get behind Australian Manufacturing again. Yes we have to pay more but it creates jobs and we just need to buy less stuff and buy quality that will last.
by Bowen Bowie-Woodham (score: 2), 1114 days ago
Hi Everyone! Maysm raises an interesting point. SilvaDasher and maria, perhaps you can tell us where do you buy affordable ladies clothing that is Australian produce and Australian product (Material + Manufacture)? Tips are welcome!! Thanks!
by maria (score: 0), 1114 days ago
I hope they all close!!! you are so right I feel the same way, in the 70s is when all the imported rubish came in, but it was't as bad as now , I never go to Target stores anymore.
by maysm (score: 0), 1114 days ago
Ridiculous price with local production! B real!
by Bowen Bowie-Woodham (score: 2), 1115 days ago
Hi Silva, thank you for your input!