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Home > Everywhere > Comments > Is Joining the Gym for Suckers?
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It's probably better to go to classes at your local community centre. It will be closer than the gym and less expensive.

I used to have a gym membership, but then I got a pilates machine, Wii Fit, and aerobic step. Now I just do my exercise at home.
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4|12643) 3846 days ago
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4), 3845 days ago
I find it easier to keep motivated at home. No travelling, can watch tv. It is a lot easier.
by Rachael Taylor (score: 2), 3845 days ago
Good advice on the community centre classes, thanks Bryony.

The only problem I have with exercising at home is keeping motivated. But then, I have that problem leaving home for the gym too :)