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Home > Everywhere > Comments > Is Joining the Gym for Suckers?
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Gyms have their pros and cons. If you need the discipline of a particular routine, guidance from a fitness instructor and means of measuring your improvement (increasing weight level during weight training, or calorie counters on cardio machines), it's a worthwhile pastime. If you don't, then you're probably better off saving your money. If you're not sure if you'll sit out a 12-month contract there are gyms that offer no-contract deals. There are also huge differences in yearly membership costs; they generally range from about $400 to $1600, and the most expensive ones aren't necessarily the best. Bear in mind also that in an unpredictable climate like Melbourne's, it's not always easy to encounter suitable weather for a jog.
by Nigel (score: 1|16) 3912 days ago
by Rachael Taylor (score: 2), 3912 days ago
Hi Nigel,
all very true! It's certainly been a wet winter, and my runs have been sporadic at best.

And your right about the motivation factor too. Perhaps the best advice is to know yourself, and what you need. This allows you to shop around til you find a good deal :)