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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Is Costco Membership Worth it for Australians?
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I made huge savings on top of the range hearing aids at the Costco Audiologists which even the large audiology group retailers cannot match in price. Saving $6000 over the same product quoted at my private audiologist really is a shocking indictment of what gross overpricing occurs in this field. The audiologist I see is a top professional giving the most thorough testing I had ever had in 20 years of using hearing aids. Ongoing battery prices are far cheaper too at Costco, rather than having to buy at chemists as an over priced " medical product".
Petrol savings are also significant even though I live a few suburbs away. Quality every day clothing items also offer good savings. For me it is an essential membership.
by dschm (score: 0|2) 2247 days ago
by 1nerd (score: 2), 2244 days ago
Do all Costcos have audiologists? When I visited Specsavers in UK they had hearing aids at good prices compared to here. I was waiting for them to open here but if Costco does that's another option.