Indooroopilly Acupuncture Clinic
Migraines, a stiff neck, and problems sleeping…I had read that I should try acupuncture, as a natural way to deal with these issues. But all I knew about acupuncture was that it involved needles (however, fine they are) and I admit I have had a bit of an aversion to needles (unless super necessary). But my, was I in for a pleasant surprise.
If you live in Brisbane,
is the place to go to try this ancient art and what's even better news – they offer medicare bulk billing! Fully accredited under the government health care system, this is where eastern meets western medicine.
According to the
Mayo Clinic : "Acupuncture involves the insertion of extremely thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body. A key component of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is most commonly used to treat pain."
Located on the 4th level in the tower office suites (tip: look for the post office in the shopping centre – there's a set of lifts nearby) Indooroopilly Shoppingtown, this wonderful little clinic is like a haven for those seeking to de-stress and help dealing with pain problems.
Each session starts out with a brief talk about how my condition is so far and Dr Sid Lau then goes about sticking the tiny needles in, explaining where he was putting them and why. I had several in my head, neck and back, and a couple were placed in my feet. As soon as he stuck a needle in, I felt a bit of a "zingy" sensation – it's not painful, nor uncomfortable, just…different?
Once all of the needles were in place, I was then given a bell to ring (in case I did experience any pain) and was told to relax – the first time I was lying down, on the next appointment I was sitting up in a chair – however both were in positions one could easily relax into. After 20-30 minutes one of the nurses whom first greet you as you go into their clinic, comes in and takes out all the needles.
After each session, I feel great, lighter and less tense. Dr Sid Lau is precise and thorough, on my first visit he really got to know me and my previous medical history. I've been told to start off with sessions twice a week especially since I have autoimmune condition. After only 3 visits I am already feeling the difference – with less migraines (or longer time in between episodes). I am excited to see how much more progress I will make in a few weeks.
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