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I went there today as promised and my partner wants to thank you, she loves the bread and the price, definitely going back there again.
The lady who runs the store was very nice and helpful, I took a print out of your article along and she is very thankful and couldn't believe you wrote such a nice article about her place, she even gave me a few packets of cookies as a thank you .. so thank you for that too :)
Just so others know, there are no eftpos facilities available. There is an ATM a short drive up the road if you don't have cash on hand like me.
by Brett Miller (score: 1|63) 3767 days ago
by Sandra Moore (score: 1), 3767 days ago
I'm so pleased. Please let me know what the cookies are like. Please tell your wife she is soooooo welcome. Thanks for showing her my article, she is such a lovely lady.