Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures

Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventures


Posted 2016-04-28 by Anita Pallasfollow
The Illawarra Fly Treetop Adventure is located an hour from Wollongong in Jamberoo or Knights Hill. The Illawarra Fly recently opened a ziplining track which I decided to try out.

The Illawarra Fly provides views of Albion Park, Lake Illawarra, Shellharbour, the ocean and Jamberoo's lovely rolling hills.

You can pre-book your ziplining tour tickets online or take your chances on turning up on the day. I decided to buy on the day. At 10am I could jump on an 11am tour with only two spots left. I thought this was a pretty good idea. The ticket cost $75.

The ziplining tour gains you entry to the 1.5km steel walk through trees. From the walk you can also see the ziplining tracks behind you and if you are luck you might just catch some zipliners. The walk takes about 20 minutes.

The ziplining tour starts with a 15-20 minute safety briefing. You have two guides with you. One stays at the front of the group and the other at the back. Guide number 1 shows you how it is done by clipping himself to the line and soaring to the first cloud (the landing dock).

How it's done - The guide instructs you to sit down. Then tells you to let your feet go, which really means dangle them over the edge. Then they send you flying to the cloud.

The cloud is your waiting platform some 35 metres off the ground and attached to a tree. If you are thinking it is steel you are wrong, it is a trampoline but we are told not to bounce.

The next part is two suspension bridges, where you are still connected to the wires, and you make the nerve racking crossing along two suspension bridges. The worst is over once you cross the suspension bridges and your adrenalin has finally kicked in. There are two ziplines after this.

As they say time flies when you are having fun. In no time you are back on the ground walking.

The Illawarra Fly have a café and picnic ground. You are about a 15-20 minute drive from the nearest town, Jamberoo, and there is no phone services (just a word of warning!).

100754 - 2023-06-12 09:10:21


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