Hyperdome Film Classics - My Fair Lady 1964

Hyperdome Film Classics - My Fair Lady 1964


Posted 2016-10-06 by Mayfollow
Hyperdome Film Classics - My Fair Lady (1964)

Are you a fan of classic movies? Do you remember watching the old black and whites?

Personally, I have a thing for movies from the forties and fifties and I am absolutely certain that this is genetic. How do I know this? My youngest daughter, early 20's, collects Bing Crosby memorabilia, and my eldest has had phases during which she has channelled both Judy Garland and Doris Day.

Back in 2009, my eldest accompanied me south to Hobart whilst it was is in full festive swing for the 100th birthday celebrations for the original Tasmanian Devil, Errol Flynn. Twelve months later my youngest surprised me with a tour of Ireland during which we walked across the very bridge where a 40 something John Wayne first laid eyes on Maureen O'Hara herding sheep in The Quiet Man.

Yes, agreed, that may well simply mean that we are a family of eccentrics.

It also means that I am loving the Hyperdome Library Classic Film mornings.

Their next movie is My Fair Lady, starring Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn, scheduled for Tuesday, 25th October. Made in 1964, this is an American musical adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's, Pygmalion.

My Fair Lady** is a fun movie in which snobby Rex Harrison plays Henry Higgins, a pompous phonetics Professor who makes a wager that he can transform a cockney working class girl into a cultured member of high society. That would be where the beautiful Audrey Hepburn comes in.

This movie won 8 Academy Awards in its day, and though the storyline is set back in the early 1900's, interest hasn't waned given that a stage version is currently doing the rounds in Sydney.

Because this movie has been given the Hollywood treatment it differs from the book. It is full of colour and full of fun, and it will be wonderful to view again without the advertising breaks.

The Hyperdome Library is located at 66-70 Mandew Street, Shailer

Entry is FREE, though Bookings are essential.

The movie commences at 9:30am and goes till 12:30pm.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. What's the better - the movie or the book?

124680 - 2023-06-13 01:52:25


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