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For many years my family went out to the same restaurant for Christmas Lunch. The food was really good, but the price kept going up, and eventually my grandma decided she didn't want to go anymore. That reduced our family gathering down.

The restaurant closed down a few years ago, so we now have lunch at our house. My grandma has passed away now, but my grandpa and great aunt come to join us.

After lunch, we all gather in the living room, chat, and watch tv.
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4|12640) 3466 days ago
by Bastion Harrison (score: 4), 3465 days ago
You too.
by Jenny Pickett (score: 3), 3465 days ago
It's a comforting feeling, to know that you'll be sharing a special day with special people.

I bet your family are truly grateful to you for hosting - always a good sign when no-one needs to rush off and chooses to remain after lunch for some 'quality time' together.

Enjoy your Christmas with your family!